- included in this archive are the following files: -
Ñ README1st - this file
Ñ PowerNotes¬ README - general info on PowerNotes¬ 2.0
Ñ PowerNotes¬ - the Hypercard-based electronic notebook
- This is a completely new, significantly improved version of PowerNotes¬, the electronic notebook! Users of version 1.0 will not be able to export their data and import it into version 2.0; too many changes have occurred for this to work smoothly. New features include:
* IMAGE function is now active - attach and create pictures to your notes!
* Password-protection is available for the security conscious
* several algorithms were rewritten in order to speed up the program
* Import/Export function enhanced
* minor (and a few major) bug fixes over PowerNotes¬ 1.0.1
- I am no longer even CONSIDERING supporting the 9-inch version of PowerNotes¬. After all, this is designed to be an electronic notebook for PowerBook users; using it on a desktop Mac (which will work if your monitor displays greater than 640 x 400 pixels) kind of defeats the whole purpose.
- All features of PowerNotes¬ 2.0 are now active; none are disabled or crippled. If you like the stack, please send $15 to:
Robert Rumpf
Department of Molecular Genetics
The Ohio State University
484 W. 12th Ave. Rm 917
Columbus, OH 43215
Internet email: rrumpf@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
PowerNotes¬ is Shareware. If you find this stack useful and use it for more than two weeks, you should send in the Shareware fee of $15 to the address given in the help window on the stack.
PowerNotes¬ may be freely distributed to any User's Group, on-line service, etc. so long as all files in this archive are included in said distribution.
IMPORTANT: The Password protection is turned off in the distribution copy, but just in case you turn it on without changing the password, the default password is "password" (type in without the quotations).